Providing Soldier solutions to make your job that much easier!
"Automate your world"

There are many things to hinder a Soldiers progress. That is the different things that come up during the course of the military day. The 1SG needs your range details. He needs to know at a moment’s notice who gets the allocations; Rating schemes; Driver Shotgun lists; Your plan for visiting your Soldiers quarters; Room assignments. Special population and pregnancy PT lists; Your gunnery crews, and a plethora of other things. There is no one program that can house this information without file searching your hard drive for memos and rosters. I shuffled through three office programs, while deep-sea diving constantly into hundreds of gigabytes of hard-drive space looking for files. Most often, I had to generate duplicate lists of my complete section or platoon from scratch or piecemeal. This doesn't make for a good organizer, but it happens to the best of us. Even as a 1SG, I had to maintain these lists while the orderly room made other things happen. I kept track of details, barrier guards, guard duty rosters, PT, and all of the other things that were unconventional. Some things you can't refer to a memo for. A piece of scratch paper is all you have on the fly. No time to re-type several pieces of notes in a fast-pace environment. You find yourself conducting meetings from the sticky notes on your desk.The morning PDS was the biggest headache. Not keeping track of the Soldiers, but the methods used. The Automated Leader Book can make life easy for you. The Automated Leader Book not only holds data on your Soldiers but you can filter, sort, print forms, manipulate names and information that you have been updating in your computer from the first day you in- processed the Soldier. For most situations that you will encounter during the week Automated Leader Book can help you save time and pain.
I had two leader books at all times; one book was significantly smaller than the “big book”. I carried this book around with me at all times. I endeavored to make it even smaller as the years went on. The other book was the “big book” that would stay in my office, my POV, or the forbidden field footlocker. That big book is what the Automated Leader Book is. You need the information in that big book, but you don’t need to carry it around with you or into dangerous "promotion board" territory. This Automated Leader Book is great for the laptop in your office. The Automated Leader Book will enable you to extract your Soldier's data quickly, instead of thumbing through the tabs of a dirty outdated book. You can look at the data of your Soldiers side by side in comparison or individually and quickly determine who needs priority training.
If you are sitting in your office at home planning training and the Orderly room needs the information now, the Automated Leader Book will not fail you. You can sort data, quickly determine dates of rank and time in service to get information to the approving authority and take care of your junior Soldier's future. Many times, the first Leader that submits his or her information, is the one that gets the allocation or the slots for school. It is also a digitize back-up just in case you loose your hand-carried leader book. Anyone who is interested in maintaining their Soldiers mass data and extracting critical information in a timely manner can use our software; Officer or enlisted Soldiers.